‘Reflectie’ is a collage from the life of 3 figures.
Gazing at their reflection, they discover themselves, the other, another self.
Full of questions, desires and expectations they are looking for life, in a world full of mirrors.
Their opinions and desires crash, bend and burst.
Together they symbolise a world where authenticity is a goal in itself.
I am
I am an image
I am my imagination
I am a memory
Who am I
Am I
Length: 55 minutes
Tour Dates
18 January 2014, 20u – Try Out (Work in Progress)
Cultuurcentrum ’t Werkhuys, Zegelstraat 13, 2140 Borgerhout
6 & 7 September 2014 – Antwerp Fringe Festival (Première)
Theater Het Klokhuis, Parochiaanstraat 4, 2000 Antwerpen, België
9, 10 & 11 September 2014 – Amsterdam Fringe Festival
Theaterstudio Amsterdam, Postjesweg 1, 1057 DT Amsterdam, Nederland
26 October 2014 ( 6:30 PM ) – Cult 2060
Festivallocatie: Sporthal Omnimundo, Olijftakstraat, 2060 Antwerpen, België
8 November 2014 ( 9:30 PM ) – Kunstencentrum Kaleidoscoop
Molenstraat 50, 2640 Mortsel, België
Director : Manu Luyten
Devising performers : Lies Heirbaut, Manu Luyten, Ann Willemsen
Music : Henk Kool
Decor : Wim De Houwer
Lighting & Sound : Claudino Semedo, Ilja van de Wateringen